Applicative Functor for beginners
This article presumes beginner level knowledge of Haskell programming language on part of the reader. To get the most out of this article some knowledge of basic Haskell syntax, basic data types like Maybe and Either, and Functor typeclass will be highly beneficial.
What this post covers?
After reading this post you’ll have a basic understanding of Applicative Functors. You’ll also see some relatable real-life problems where Applicative Functors can come in handy and yield an elegant solution.
Applicative Functor
In an earlier article I explained about Functors. A quick refresher is that a Functor is a container or a context whose value(s) could be mapped over with a function to produce a new Functor. This is done using the fmap
function. Haskell defines the following typeclass for Functors.
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Applicative Functor is a Functor that has a few more tricks up its sleeve. List, Maybe, Either all are Applicative Functors as we’ll discover later. First let’s see the extra functions that it supports.
class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(Functor f) =>
just means that any Applicative must also be a Functor; it is a constraint. The first function we have is pure :: a -> f a
. This is a simple function that takes any value and returns an Applicative Functor that wraps the value. You can think of it as providing a Maybe
, it wraps the value in a Just
. And for an Either
it wraps the value in a Right
. I hope there are no surprises here.
-- ghci (Haskell shell)
λ> pure "fpunfold" :: Maybe String
Just "fpunfold"
λ> pure "fpunfold" :: [String]
λ> pure "fpunfold" :: Either String String
Right "fpunfold"
The second function Applicative Functor supports is (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
. As the type signature suggests, <*>
takes an Applicative (short for Applicative Functor) that contains a function of type a -> b
and applies it to a value inside another Applicative f a
, while merging the contexts of the two Applicatives. Hmm.. who in their right mind would wrap a function inside a container like Applicative?. This might look funky at first but trust me it’ll make much more sense later when you see it in action with some examples. But before that let’s see how Maybe
is an Applicative.
Maybe type as an Applicative
has the following implementation for Applicative typeclass (actual implementation in Haskell source is slightly different but does the exact same thing).
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure x = Just x
Just f <*> Just x = Just (f x)
_ <*> _ = Nothing
function just wraps the value in Just
. For <*>
it makes sense that we can perform function application only when both the function and the value are available inside the two Maybe
s provided. If either isn’t available then the result is Nothing
. Let’s confirm that this does what we expect.
-- ghci
λ> Just (\x -> x + 1) <*> Just 3
Just 4
λ> Just (\x -> x + 1) <*> Nothing
λ> Nothing <*> Just 3
λ> Nothing <*> Nothing
Phew! after all this theory I can finally show you some example of when this is useful. Recall that functions in Haskell are by default meaning that passing one argument to a multi-argument function returns another function that takes one less parameter. You can think of this as partially applying functions. So, when you do (+) 2
it creates a new function that takes one integer and adds 2 to it. What do you think would happen if we do Just (+) <*> Just 2
? Let’s analyze its type signature in ghci using :t
// ghci
λ> :t Just (+) <*> Just 2
Just (+) <*> Just 2 :: Num a => Maybe (a -> a)
We see that the signature of the function returned by <*>
is Num a => Maybe (a -> a)
, which is a function wrapped inside a new Maybe
Applicative Functor. Now we can pass it to <*>
again with a fresh argument value!
λ> Just (+) <*> Just 2 <*> Just 4
Just 6
We now have a result value wrapped in Maybe
since our function (+)
has been passed all the parameters it requires (2 and 4 in the example above). What does this mean? It means that we can take any arbitrary function, wrap it in a Maybe
(called “lifting to Applicative”) and apply it successively to arguments wrapped in Maybe
. If at any stage we see an argument that is Nothing
, the result will automatically be Nothing
. This simplifies and standardizes error handling!
λ> Just (+) <*> Just 2 <*> Just 4
Just 6
λ> Just (+) <*> Nothing <*> Just 4
λ> Just (+) <*> Just 2 <*> Nothing
Now let’s see a more relatable example. Suppose we want to parse parameters passed in a query string (a string containing key-value pairs). Say we want to parse the query string firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0&
to a data type representing a Person. Our function should account for missing information in the encoded string and should fail gracefully in such cases. Let’s define our Person
data type and write the type signature for our function.
-- applicative.hs
data Person = Pers {
_firstName :: String
, _lastName :: String
, _age :: Int
, _email :: String
} deriving Show
parseMaybe :: String -> Maybe Person
Our data type Person
contains four required fields that we want to parse from a query string. Function parseMaybe
is our parsing function that tries to parse the passed query string and returns a Just Person
if it was successful, and returns Nothing
on any failure like insufficient information in the query string. To do that, we’ll first extract all (key, value) tuples from the query string using a decode
function as shown below. We are using splitOn
function from module Data.List.Split here. You can download the package using cabal install split
command if you don’t have it available.
-- applicative.hs
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
decode :: String -> [(String,String)]
decode encoded =
fmap toTup . filter validTup . fmap (splitOn "=") . splitOn "&" $ encoded
toTup [x,y] = (x,y)
validTup xs = length xs == 2
function first splits the encoded string on “&” character. Each part in the result is now expected to be a key-value pair separated by “=” character. So, we split each part on “=” character (mapping with splitOn "="
) and filter out ones that do not contain exactly two elements after the split as those parts are invalid. Then, we just map all two-element lists (key-value pairs) to tuples. Let’s test the function in ghci.
// ghci
λ> :l applicative.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( applicative.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
λ> decode "firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0&"
λ> decode "firstName=fp&this=part=is=invalid"
λ> decode ""
Now we create a parsem :: [(String,String)] -> Maybe Person
function that’ll try to create a Person
from the key-value pairs. It uses Applicative Functor functions of Maybe
to elegantly handle any errors.
-- applicative.hs
parsem :: [(String,String)] -> Maybe Person
parsem kvs = pure Pers
<*> lookup "firstName" kvs
<*> lookup "lastName" kvs
<*> fmap read (lookup "age" kvs)
<*> lookup "email" kvs
And that’s all! Our parsem
function looks for all the required fields in the passed key-value pairs using lookup :: Eq k => k -> [(k, v)] -> Maybe v
function that returns the value corresponding to the passed key if found or Nothing
otherwise. To handle any missing information automatically we make use of <*>
function. First, we lift the Pers
Data Constructor (which is just a function that creates a Person
) using pure
(which is Just
for Maybe
Applicative) and then we partially apply it on arguments wrapped in Maybe
using <*>
. If at any point an optional argument is Nothing
, <*>
returns Nothing
and then the whole chain evaluates to Nothing
. For age of the person we first lookup age in string format using lookup
function and then convert it to an Int
by mapping it with read
function. Now, our final parseMaybe :: String -> Maybe Person
function is just a composition of parsem
and decode
-- applicative.hs
parseMaybe :: String -> Maybe Person
parseMaybe = parsem . decode
// ghci
λ> parseMaybe "firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0&"
Just (Pers {_firstName = "fp", _lastName = "unfold", _age = 0, _email = ""})
λ> parseMaybe "firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0" -- missing email
λ> parseMaybe "firstName=fp&&" -- missing lastName and age
Either as an Applicative
Similar to Maybe
, Either l
is also an Applicative Functor as shown below.
instance Applicative (Either e) where
pure = Right
Left e <*> _ = Left e
Right f <*> r = fmap f r
Implementation is similar to Maybe
. <*>
performs function application only if both sides are Right
. Otherwise it returns Left
value from first or second parameter in that order.
Our parsem
function works well but it doesn’t tell us much about failures. What if we want to know what field was missing? Is there another type that’s like Maybe
but slightly more informative? It’s the Either
type! We can use Either String Person
instead of Maybe Person
so that we can return some error in string format if something fails. And since Either String
is an Applicative our code remains almost the same.
-- applicative.hs
eitherMaybe :: l -> Maybe r -> Either l r
eitherMaybe e Nothing = Left e
eitherMaybe _ (Just x) = Right x
parsee :: [(String,String)] -> Either String Person
parsee m = pure Pers
<*> eitherMaybe "firstName absent" (lookup "firstName" m)
<*> eitherMaybe "lastName absent" (lookup "lastName" m)
<*> eitherMaybe "age absent" (fmap read . lookup "age" $ m)
<*> eitherMaybe "email absent" (lookup "email" m)
Since lookup
function returns a Maybe
we first need an easy way to convert it to an Either
. We define a simple eitherMaybe
function to handle this. It takes an error value and a Maybe
. For Just x
it wraps the value in a Right
and for Nothing
it returns the passed error value wrapped in a Left
. Next is our new parsing function parsee
. It remains almost identical in structure to our parsem
function. The only difference is that we convert the Maybe
results of lookup
function into Either
and provide an informative error message if the lookup failed. The usage of Applicative’s <*>
function remains the same. Instead of working on Maybe
s it works on Either
s this time.
Let’s also define a parseEither :: String -> Either String Person
function like we defined parseMaybe
-- applicative.hs
parseEither :: String -> Either String Person
parseEither = parsee . decode
Let’s give it a go in ghci.
// ghci
λ> :l applicative.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( applicative.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
λ> parseEither "firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0&"
Right (Pers {_firstName = "fp", _lastName = "unfold", _age = 0, _email = ""})
λ> parseEither "firstName=fp&lastName=unfold&age=0" -- missing email
Left "email absent"
λ> parseEither "firstName=fp&&" -- missing lastName and age
Left "lastName absent"
Isn’t this great?
We saw what Applicative Functors are and how they can be useful in providing elegant solutions to some every day problems. In fact, Haskell language has some powerful and brilliant parsing tools based on something called Parser Combinators which in turn are based on Applicative functors! I will cover Parser Combinator in separate posts. We also haven’t seen how other Applicatives such as Lists behave and what are some more interesting properties of Applicatives. All that will be future articles as well! I hope you learned a thing or two from this post and that your time here was well spent. :)